UTC Leeds joins the Rodillian Multi Academy Trust

The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust is expanding and we will welcome UTC Leeds into the Trust from September 2023.
The Trust has supported the UTC as a Multi Academy Trust partner over the last five years, supporting a successful improvement programme, which has been reflected in the UTC’s ‘Good’ overall Ofsted rating in January 2023 (with ‘Outstanding’ in two areas), growing student numbers and best ever A-Level results in 2022.
Trust staff are following all necessary legal and HR arrangements, working closely with the Department for Education and other regulatory bodies.
Andy Goulty, Chief Executive at the Rodillian Multi Academy Trust, said: “We are thrilled to welcome UTC Leeds into our Trust, following over five years of supporting the UTC’s School Improvement Programme.
“UTC Leeds will bring exciting opportunities for the Trust, our staff and students, and it will support the Trust to offer more specialised Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) education.
“By joining the Trust, we can continue to support UTC Leeds to grow and flourish as one of the country’s top University Technical Colleges.
“We warmly welcome all UTC Leeds staff, students, and their parents and carers, into the Trust and look forward to working even closer together.”
Hannah Wilson, Principal at UTC Leeds, said: “The support UTC Leeds has received as a Trust partner from the Rodillian Multi Academy Trust has been exceptional. We have benefitted from the range of expertise at the Trust, alongside its central services resources and ethos.
“We are excited to continue our journey with the Trust and offer current and prospective students, alongside our local communities, even more opportunities in STEM to help inspire the next generation of engineers, scientists and innovators.”
UTC Leeds is one of around 50 University Technical Colleges in the country and offers secondary (Year 10 onwards) and post-16 education specialising in STEM.
Find out more: www.utcleeds.co.uk.